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  • Walston ST, Viana, D, Masvidal Codina E, Illa X, Rodríguez-Meana B, del Valle J, Hayward A, Dodd A, Loret T, Prats-Alfonso E, de la Oliva N, Palma M, del Corro E, del Pilar Bernicola M, Rodriguez-Lucas E, Gener T, de la Cruz JM, Torres-Miranda M, Taygun Duvan F, Ria N, Sperling J, Martí-Sánchez S, Chiara Spadaro M, Hebert C, Savage S, Arbiol J, Guimerà-Brunet A, Puig MV, Yvert B, Navarro X, Kostarelos K, Garrido JA (2023) Nanoporous graphene-based thin-film microelectrodes for in vivo high-resolution neural recording and stimulation, Nat Nanotechnol, in press

  • Le Godais G, Roussel P, Bocquelet F, Aubert M, Kahane P, Chabardès S, Yvert B (2023) Overt Speech Decoding From Cortical Activity: A Comparison Of Different Linear Methods. Front. Hum. Neurosci. 17:1124065. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2023.1124065

  • Sharma, S., Lernoud, C.-A., Fain, B., Othmen, R., Bouchiat, V., Yvert, B. and Hébert, C. (2023), Graphene Solution-Gated Field-Effect Transistor for Ultrasound-Based Wireless and Battery-Free Biosensing. Adv. Mater. Technol. 2300163.

  • Yvert B, Fourneret E (2023) Neuromorphic brain interfacing and the challenge of human subjectivation. Nat Rev Bioeng.


  • Hébert C, Yvert B (2022) Comment fonctionnent l’implant Neuralink et les autres interfaces cerveau-machine. The conversation, Dec 2022, online article at :

  • Ran, X., Chen, W., Yvert, B*. & Zhang, S*. A hybrid autoencoder framework of dimensionality reduction for brain-computer interface decoding. Comput. Biol. Med. 148, 105871 (2022). DOI: 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2022.105871

  • Palma M, Khoshnevis M, Lion M, Zenga C, Kefs S, Fallegger F, Gabelle Flandin I, Lacour S, Yvert B (2022) Chronic recording of cortical activity underlying vocalization in awake minipigs, J Neurosci Meth, 366: 109427.

  • Yvert B (2022) Retrouver la parole grâce à l’IA. In: Médecine et intelligence artificielle (Villani C, Nordlinger B, de Fresnoye O, eds), pp 197–202. Paris: CNRS Edition.


  • F. Fallaegger et al, MRI-Compatible and Conformal Electrocorticography Grids for Translational Research, Advanced Science 8(9), 2003761,

  • C. Masante et al, Non Volatile photo-switch using a diamond pn junction, Advanced Electronic Materials,

  • J. De La Cruz et al, Single and Multisite Graphene‐Based Electroretinography Recording Electrodes: A Benchmarking Study, Advanced Material Technologies,

  • Fourneret, E., Hébert, C., Yvert, Y (2021) « Les neuroprothèses pour l’humain : entre thérapeutique et augmentation », Maftei, MM. (Eds), Revue des Sciences Humaines. « Transhumanisme et posthumanisme », Presses Universitaires Diffusion, Septentrion, 341: 247-64.


  • P. Roussel et al, Observation and assessment of acoustic contamination of electrophysiological brain signals during speech production and sound perception, Journal of Neural Engineering 14(5),056028,

  • Fourneret E and Yvert B (2020) Digital Normativity: A Challenge for Human Subjectivation. Front. Artif. Intell. 3:27. doi: 10.3389/frai.2020.00027

  •  Rainey, S., Martin, S., Christen, A., Mégevand, P., Fourneret, É., “Brain recording, mind-reading, and neurotechnology: ethical issues from consumer devices to brain-based speech decoding », Science and Engineering Ethics, (manuscript accepté, n° JSEE-D-19-00156R3).

  • Fourneret, É., « Le numérique appelle la pensée », Laboratoire d’Innovation Numérique de la CNIL, 3 avril avril 2020, article en ligne :

  • Fourneret, E., Hébert, C., Yvert, Y., « Les neuroprothèses pour l’humain : entre thérapeutique et augmentation », Maftei, MM. (Eds), Revue des Sciences Humaines. « Transhumanisme et posthumanisme », Presses Universitaires Diffusion, Septentrion (manuscript accepté).

  • Fourneret, E., Hébert, C., Yvert, Y., « Comment les implants cérébraux peuvent questionner nos représentations de la nature humaine ? », The Conversation, Mars 2020, article en ligne.

  • Fourneret, E., « The Hybridization of the Human with Brain Implants: the Neuralink Project”, Cambridge Quaterly of Healthcare Ethics, “Clinical Neuroethics”, Issue, vol. 29, n°4, October 2020, Cambridge University Press.

  • Fourneret, E., « L’augmentation technologique face à la vulnérabilité », Chap. 2, In Thiel, MJ. (dir.), La vulnérabilité au prisme du monde technologique : Enjeux éthiques, Presses Universitaires de Strasbourg, Strasbourg.



  • Roussel P, Bocquelet F, Palma M, Kahane P, Chabardès S, Yvert B (2019) Acoustic contamination of electrophysiological brain signals during speech production and sound perception. bioRxiv:722207.

  • Fourneret E, Yvert B (2019) Digital Normativity: A challenge for human subjectivization and free will. arXiv e-prints:arXiv:1905.09735.

  • Milekovic, T., Bacher, D., Sarma, A. A., Simeral, J. D., Saab, J., Pandarinath, C., Yvert, B., Sorice, B. L., Blabe, C., Oakley, E. M., et al. (2019). Volitional control of single-electrode high gamma local field potentials by people with paralysis. J. Neurophysiol. 121, 1428–50. doi:10.1152/jn.00131.2018.

  • Bernert, M., and Yvert, B. (2019). An Attention-Based Spiking Neural Network for Unsupervised Spike-Sorting. Int. J. Neural Syst. 29, 1–18. doi:10.1142/s0129065718500594.

  • Fourneret, E., « Les enjeux éthiques de l’intelligence artificielle en santé », In Valdeyron, N. (dir.), Télémédecine et Intelligence Artificielle dans le domaine de la santé : quels enjeux pour l’Union Européenne et les États membres ?, Cahiers Jean Monnet, n°3, Presses de l'Université Toulouse 1 Capitole, Lextenso Diffusion, Toulouse.



  • Rainey S, Maslen H, Megevand P, Arnal L, Fourneret E, Yvert B (2018) Neuroprosthetic speech: The ethical significance of accuracy, control and pragmatics. Cambridge Q Healthc Ethics, in press.



  • Bernert M, Yvert B (2017) Fully unsupervised online spike sorting based on an artificial spiking neural network. BioRxiv 236224; doi: 

  • Hébert C, Masvidal E, Suarez A, Bonaccini Calia A, Piret G, Garcia R, Illa X, del Corro E, Prat E, Bousquet J, Yvert B, Villa R, Sanchez Vives M, Guimera A, Garrido JA (2017) Flexible graphene solution-gated field-effect transistors: An efficient transducer for μ-ECoGs. Advanced Functional Materials, 1703976, 1-15

  • Vianello E, Werner T, Grossi A, Nowak E, De Salvo B, Perniola L, Bichler O, Yvert B (2017) Bio-inspired Programming of Resistive Memory Devices for Implementing Spiking Neural Networks. Proceedings of the Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2017, pages 393-398, Banff, Alberta, Canada, 10-12 mai 2017.



  • Bocquelet F, Hueber T, Girin L, Chabardès S, Yvert B (2016) Key considerations in designing a speech brain computer interface. J Physiol Paris, 110: 392-401. 

  • Bocquelet F, Hueber T, Girin L, Savariaux C, Yvert B (2016) Real-Time Control of an Articulatory-Based Speech Synthesizer for Brain Computer Interfaces. PLOS Comput Biol 12:e1005119.

  • Rousseau L, Yvert B, Lissorgiues G, Joucla S, Lafon T, Gassemi F (2016) Electrode device for recording and/or stimulation of biological samples, has clamping unit clamping probe, conductor element and support together to establish electrical contact between contact pads of probe and support by conductor element. WO2016062637-A1

  • Werner T, Vianello E, Bichler O, Garbin D, Cattaert D, Yvert B, De Salvo B, Perniola L (2016) Spiking Neural Networks Based on OxRAM Synapses for Real-Time Unsupervised Spike Sorting. Front Neurosci 10:474 

  • Bocquelet F, Piret G, Aumonier N, Yvert B (2016) Ethical reflections on brain-computer interfaces. In Bongrain L, Clerc M, Lotte F. Interfaces cerveau-ordinateur : Technology and applications, ISTE-Wiley, 2016

  • Joucla S, Ambroise M, Levi T, Lafon T, Chauvet P, Saïghi S, Bornat Y, Lewis N, Renaud S and Yvert B (2016). Generation of Locomotor-Like Activity in the Isolated Rat Spinal Cord Using Intraspinal Electrical Microstimulation Driven by a Digital Neuromorphic CPG. Front. Neurosci. 10:67. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2016.00067



  • Abdi A, Mazzocco C, Légeron F-P, Yvert B, Macrez N, Morel J-L (2015) TRPP2 modulates ryanodine- and inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors-dependent Ca(2+) signals in opposite ways in cerebral arteries. Cell Calcium. 58: 467-475

  • Piret G, Hébert C, Mazellier J-P, Rousseau L, Scorsone E, Cottance M, Lissorgues G, Heuschkel M, Picaud S, Bergonzo P, Yvert B (2015) 3D-nanostructured boron-doped diamond for microelectrode array neural interfacing. Biomaterials, 53: 173-183.



  • Joucla S, Glière A and Yvert B (2014) Current approaches to model extracellular electrical neural microstimulation. Front. Comput. Neurosci. 8:13. doi: 10.3389/fncom.2014.00013



  • Joucla S., Yvert B. (2013) Finite Element Modeling of Electrical Stimulation Using Microelectrodes. In: Jaeger D., Jung R. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience: SpringerReference ( Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2013. DOI: 10.1007/SpringerReference_348661

  • Ambroise M, Levi T, Joucla S, Yvert B, Saïghi S (2013) Real-time biomimetic Central Pattern Generators into FPGA for hybrid experiments. Frontiers in Neuroscience 7. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2013.00215



  • Heim M, Rousseau L, Reculusa S, Urbanova V, Mazzocco C, Joucla S, Bouffier L, Vytras K, Bartlett P, Kuhn A, Yvert B. (2012) Mesoporous microelectrode arrays (MEAs) for low noise recording of neural networks. J Neurophysiol 108: 1793-1803.

  • Joucla S, Branchereau P, Cattaert D, Yvert B (2012) Extracellular neural microstimulation may activate much larger regions than expected by simulations: a combined experimental and modeling MEA study. PLoS ONE 7(8): e41324. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0041324.

  • Joucla S, Rousseau L, Yvert B. (2012) Focalizing electrical neural stimulation with penetrating microelectrode arrays: A modeling study. J Neurosci Meth 209: 250–254.

  • Bonnet S, Bêche J.-F., Gharbi S., Abdoun O., Bocquelet F., Joucla S., Agache V., Sauter F., Pham P., Dupont F., Matonti F., Hoffart L., Roux S., Djilas M., Kolomiets B., Caplette R., Chavane F., Picaud S., Yvert B., Guillemaud R (2012) A real-time multi-electrode array system for recording, processing and stimulation of neural networks and the control of high-resolution neural implants for rehabilitation. IRBM, 33: 55–60.

  • Kiran R, Rousseau L, Lissorgues G, Scorsone E, Bongrain A, Yvert B, Picaud S, Mailley P, Bergonzo P. (2012) Multichannel Boron Doped Nanocrystalline Diamond Ultramicroelectrode Arrays: Design, Fabrication and Characterization. Sensors, 12, 7669-7681

  • Joucla S, Yvert B (2012) Modeling extracellular electrical neural stimulation: from basic understanding to MEA-based applications. J Physiol (Paris), 106: 146–158. doi:10.1016/j.jphysparis.2011.10.003

  • Heim M, Yvert B, Kuhn A (2012) Nanostructuration strategies to enhance microelectrode array (MEA) performance for neuronal recording and stimulation. J Physiol (Paris), 106: 137–145. doi:10.1016/j.jphysparis.2011.10.001



  • Djilas M, Olès C, Lorach H, Bendali A, Degardin J, Dubus E, Lissorgues-Bazin G, Rousseau L, Benosman R, Ieng S-H, Joucla S, Yvert B, Bergonzo P, Sahel J, and Picaud S (2011) Three-Dimensional Electrode Arrays for Retinal Prostheses: Modeling, Geometry Optimization, and Experimental Validation. J Neural Eng, 8(4):046020.

  • Yvert B, Mazzocco C, Joucla S, Langla A, Meyrand P (2011) Artificial CSF motion ensures rhythmic activity in the developing CNS ex vivo: A mechanical source of rhythmogenesis? J. Neurosci, 31(24):8832-8840.

  • Heim M, Kuhn A, Mazzocco C, Rousseau L, Urbanova V, Yvert B (2011) Device to stimulate or record a signal to or from a living tissue. WO2011154424A1

  • Bergonzo P, Bongrain A, Scorsone E, Bendali A, Rousseau L, Lissorgues G, Li Y, Kauffmann T, Goy F, Yvert B, Sahel JA, Picaud S (2011) 3D shaped mechanically flexible diamond microelectrode arrays for eye implant applications: The MEDINAS project. IRBM, 32 : 91-94.

  • Urbanova V, Li Y, Vytras K, Yvert B, Kuhn A (2011) Macroporous microelectrode arrays for measurements with reduced noise. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 656 : 91-95. doi:10.1016/j.jelechem.2011.01.004

  • Abdoun O, Joucla S, Mazzocco C, Yvert B. (2011) NeuroMap: A spline-based interactive open-source software for spatiotemporal mapping of 2D and 3D MEA data. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 4:119. doi:10.3389/fninf.2010.00119.



  • Charvet G, Rousseau L, Billoint O, Gharbi S, Rostaing J-P, Joucla S, Trevisiol M, Chauvet P, Moulin C, Goy F Mercier B, Colin M, Fanet H, Meyrand P, Guillemaud R, Yvert B. (2010) BioMEA: A versatile high-density 3D microelectrode array system using integrated electronics. Biosens Bioelectron, 25 : 1889-1896.

  • Djilas M, Lissorgues-Bazin G, Benosman R, Lorach H, Rousseau L, Yvert B, Sahel J, Bergonzo P, Picaud S (2010) Implant à géométrie tridimensionnelle pour la stimulation électrique d'une structure nerveuse. French Patent application No. FR1053381 and International extension PCT/FR11/050984 and China application N° CN 2011 80029972.8



  • Guillemaud R, Bêche JF, Billoint O, Bonnet S, Gharbi S, Rostaing JP, Trévisiol M, Yvert B, Rousseau L, Goy F, Heuschkel M, David O, Saillet S, Charvet G. (2009) A multi-channel platform for recording and stimulation of large neuronal structures. IRBM, 30: 226–233

  • Rousseau L, Joucla S, Lissorgues G and Yvert B. (2009) Microfabrication of new microelectrode arrays equipped with a ground surface configuration for focal neural microstimulation. J Micromech Microeng, 19(7) : 074010 (4pp). doi:10.1088/0960-1317/19/7/074010

  • Joucla S, Yvert B. (2009) Improved focalization of electrical microstimulation using microelectrode arrays : a modeling study. PLoS ONE, 4(3): e4828. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.000482.

  • Joucla S, Yvert B. (2009) The “mirror” estimate: An intuitive predictor of membrane polarization during extracellular stimulation. Biophys J, 96:3495-3508.



  • Escola R, Pouzat C, Chaffiol A, Yvert B, Magnin IE, Guillemaud R (2008) SIMONE: A Realistic Neural Network Simulator to Reproduce MEA-Based Recordings. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 16:149-160.

  • Moulin C, Gliere A, Barbier D, Joucla S, Yvert B, Mailley P, Guillemaud R (2008) A new 3-D finite-element model based on thin-film approximation for microelectrode array recording of extracellular action potential. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 55:683-692.



  • Joucla S, Rousseau L, Yvert B. (2007) Dispositif de stimulation d’un tissu vivant par microélectrodes, ses modules amovible et utilisation. French Patent No 2.922.460 and International extension WO-2009-053333

  • Yvert B, Fischer C, Bertrand O, Pernier J (2005) Localization of human supratemporal auditory areas from intracerebral auditory evoked potentials using distributed source models. Neuroimage 28:140-153.

  • Yvert B, Branchereau P, Meyrand P. (2004) Multiple spontaneous rhythmic activities occur within a specific time window in the embryonic mouse spinal cord. J Neurophysiol, 91(5): 2101-9.

  • Krolak-Salmon P, Hénaff MA, Tallon-Baudry C, Yvert B, Fischer C, Guénot M, Vighetto A, Mauguière F, Bertrand O. (2003) Human lateral geniculate nucleus and visual cortex respond to non-visible computer screen flicker. Implications in photosensitive epilepsy ? Annals of Neurology, 53:73-80.

  • Yvert B, Fischer C, Guenot M, Krolak-Salmon P, Isnard J, Pernier J (2002) Simultaneous intracerebral EEG recordings of early auditory thalamic and cortical activity in human. Eur J Neurosci 16:1146-1150.

  • Yvert B, Crouzeix-Cheylus A, Pernier J (2001) Fast realistic modeling in bioelectromagnetism using lead-field interpolation. Hum Brain Mapp 14:48-63.

  • Yvert B, Crouzeix A, Bertrand O, Seither-Preisler A, Pantev C (2001) Multiple Supratemporal Sources of Magnetic and Electric Auditory Evoked Middle Latency Components in Humans. Cereb Cortex 11:411-423.

  • Yvert B. (2000) Identification non invasive des premières aires corticales impliquées dans la perception des sons. Annales de la Fondation Fyssen, 15:91-98.

  • Crouzeix A, Yvert B, Bertrand O, Pernier J (1999) An evaluation of dipole reconstruction accuracy with spherical and realistic head models in MEG. Clin Neurophysiol 110:2176-88.

  • Yvert B, Bertrand O, Pernier J, Ilmoniemi RJ (1998) Human cortical responses evoked by dichotically presented tones of different frequencies. Neuroreport 9:1115-9.

  • Yvert B, Bertrand O, Thevenet M, Echallier JF, Pernier J (1997) A systematic evaluation of the spherical model accuracy in EEG dipole localization. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 102:452-9.

  • Sorlie C, Bertrand O, Yvert B, Froment JC, Pernier J (1997) Matching of digitised brain atlas to magnetic resonance images. Med Biol Eng Comput 35:239-45.

  • Yvert B, Bertrand O, Echallier JF, Pernier J (1996) Improved dipole localization using local mesh refinement of realistic head geometries: an EEG simulation study. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 99:79-89.

  • Yvert B, Bertrand O, Echallier JF, Pernier J (1995) Improved forward EEG calculations using local mesh refinement of realistic head geometries. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 95:381-92.

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