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MEDISENSE project funded by the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region

Dernière mise à jour : 19 oct. 2020

The MEDISENSE project lead by Clément Hébert (NeuroTech Lab, INSERM ) in collaboration with GRAPHEAL was selected by the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region to be financed through the Pack Ambition Recherche Action.

The project aims at developing highly sensitive and stable wireless sensors for a wide range of applications ranging from the monitoring of wound healing to the recording of the neural activity.

Soft implant technologies offer new perspectives for chronic medical diagnosis allowing to monitor in real time physiological parameters and to improve patient comfort. However these technologies still lack of reliability because of their poor mechanical and chemical stability. In the MEDISENSE project, medical sensors based on 2D material technology that offer both high flexibility and high resistance to corrosion will be developed. The sensors will be combined to wireless communication systems (RF-based or Ultrasonic-based). Starting with a mm-sized devices to monitor wound healing, the project aims at reaching devices below 100µm to be used as neural implant for intracortical activity monitoring.

There is one offer for PhD position to work in this project! Go to our "join us" page!

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